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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 articles authored by: Eric Schmidt

How do you know if your CR6 is maxed out?

Author: Eric Schmidt | Last Updated: 02/18/2025 | Comments: 0

how do you know if your cr6 is maxed out?

Just how many AM16/32B multiplexers can you really add to your CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform? At what point do you hit the limit? What is truly safe? As an Application Engineer in Campbell Scientific’s Infrastructure Group, I get a lot of customer questions about squeezing the... read more

Behind the Scenes: Scientifically Adding Some Jingle to the Holidays

Author: Eric Schmidt | Last Updated: 12/17/2024 | Comments: 0

behind the scenes: scientifically adding some jingle to the holidays

Music has always been a part of my life—ten years of piano, six of oboe, and countless performances in bands and symphonies. So, when I joined Campbell Scientific and learned about vibrating wire sensors, my brain got excited for the musical potential. The result? Crackmeters... read more

What’s the impact of stress and strain in structural health monitoring?

Author: Eric Schmidt | Last Updated: 11/05/2024 | Comments: 3

what’s the impact of stress and strain in structural health monitoring?

How much is too much? Did you know that stress and strain can negatively impact your infrastructure? In this blog article, I’ll share a brief explanation of what you should know to protect the health of your critical structures. Infrastructure across the US and around the... read more

Why should you use a data logger as an RTU in your SCADA system?

Author: Eric Schmidt | Last Updated: 10/21/2024 | Comments: 0

why should you use a data logger as an rtu in your scada system?

In today’s world of industrial automation, the ability to remotely monitor and control operations is more critical than ever. Imagine managing a water treatment plant, an electrical grid, or an environmental monitoring system from miles away—all without missing a beat to ensure smooth, efficient operations.... read more

Open the Door to Unlock Flexibility

Author: Eric Schmidt | Last Updated: 08/20/2024 | Comments: 1

open the door to unlock flexibility

What’s inside your data-acquisition system enclosure? If you look inside, will you find a CR6 Automated Monitoring Platform that can unlock flexibility with unmatched reliability for your field research and data collection needs? For these reasons, the CR6 is an ideal choice for researchers and... read more

A Closer Look: Resolving Dam Data Discrepancies

Author: Eric Schmidt | Last Updated: 03/05/2024 | Comments: 0

a closer look: resolving dam data discrepancies

Did you read our Southwest: Solving the Mystery of Erroneous Dam Monitoring Data case study? Want to get some more details? In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at that case study. If you haven’t read the case study yet, please do... read more