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ASCII SerialOut problem

rwc Jun 27, 2017 10:34 PM

Hi:  I'm trying to talk to an instrument (a Nortek Aquadopp) via serial RS232 with a CR1000.  It has an ASCII mode, and I can talk to it via a terminal without any trouble (standard 8-N-1).

It needs woken up with a break, which for this instrument is a "@@@@@@", a 100 msec pause, followed by "K1W%!Q" (no carriage returns required).  It returns the following boot text:

Version 3.40
Command mode

... there are LF/CR after each line, and it ends with an AckAck to indicate it was successful.

To tell it to take a sample, I send it a MA ("Measure Ascii") and a carriage return.  It will return another AckAck to indicate that it's received the command.  This sometimes has to be done more than once.

It will measure for however long the averaging period is (currently a minute), then return a bunch more ascii, like so:

6 27 2017 14 11 28 0 33 13.2 1528.4 178.1 24.8 -9.2 0.021 23.43 0 0
0 2039 3594
1 5243 3482
2 3449 438
3 2809 490
4 1828 494
5 2661 549
6 2276 377
7 2168 861
8 2173 427
9 2320 371
10 2493 572
11 3001 556
12 2123 366
13 2441 583
14 2654 717
15 2455 620
16 1862 583
17 2817 524
18 1892 407
19 2283 351
20 2575 599
21 1724 527
22 3089 522
23 1869 575
24 2527 673
25 2074 421
26 2751 529
27 1859 318
28 2565 323
29 2559 192
30 1516 568
31 3151 569
32 2635 497
33 2020 494
34 2361 623
35 3265 578
36 2246 321
37 2419 533
38 2490 437
39 2224 494

...The first line is metadata (date, time, etc) and the next lines are data from different depth bins.  

Here are the relevant lines I am using to do this:

SerialOpen (Com1,9600,0,0,1000)
Scan (120,Sec,0,0) 'Sample every 2 minutes
SerialOut (Com1,"@@@@@@","",0,0)  'send 1st break string
Delay(1,100,msec) 'Wait 100 msec for 2nd string
SerialOut (Com1,"K1W%!Q","",0,0)  'send 2nd break string
Delay(1,10,Sec) 'Wait 2 sec for ADCP to boot
SerialOut (Com1,"MA"+CHR(13),CHR(06)+CHR(06),20,0) 'Send command to take sample
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (batt_volt)
SerialFlush(Com1) 'clear out buffer prior to recording
SerialIn (RawString,com1,7000,-1,1000) 'Wait and collect data

When I run this program the instrument does not receive the break characters and does not wake up.  I've fiddled with the timing (there can be a lot more than 100 msec between the break strings).  I have watched the terminal emulator in "W" mode and it indicates that the CR1000 is sending out the correct strings. I've verified that I have the Tx and Rx wired up right, I have even connected a second serial adapter to the Tx pin on the CR1000 com1 and verified with a terminal program that it is indeed sending out the break and MA<CR> characters.  If I manually send the break and MA<CR> through the second serial adapter it will start the instrument recording and the CR1000 will see the output.  

This seems to be a pretty simple arrangement, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why the instrument is not receiving the break characters- I'm baffled.  Does anyone have any ideas about what I'm missing?

Thanks,  Rob

JDavis Jun 27, 2017 10:41 PM

 This is a program for an AWAC that I wrote a few years ago. The AWAC was programmed on a self-timed interval, so I only had to listen for the data. I was using the binary format.

'CR1000 Series Datalogger
'Program to collect receive and process velocity and wave data from a Nortek AWAC
'date: March 16, 2012
'program author: Jacob

Const VelocityCells = 23  'Number of velocity cells configured in the AWAC. Must be exact.
Const NortekPort = Com2  'Comport where Nortek is connected
Const MaxWaves = 300 'Maximum number of waves within the wave burst
Const MaxWaveSamples = 1200  'Number of samples/wave burst configured in AWAC

'Declare Public Variables
Public PTemp, batt_volt

'Internally used variables
'Dim BufferString As String * 40000 'buffer to hold raw data stream
'Public BufferLength As Long 'length of useable data in BufferString
'Dim StructureString As String * (120 + 9 * VelocityCells) 'Will hold the structure currently processing
'Public StructureLength As Long  'Number of useable bytes in StructureString
'Public BytesAvailable As Long 'Number of bytes available in buffer which may be added to buffer string
'Public NewStructure As Boolean 'Indicates if there is an unprocessed structure in StructureString
'Public ValidStructure As Boolean 'Indicates if structure in StructureString passed checksum test
'Public StructureID As Long  'ID number of the current structure being processed
Public StructureChecksum As Long, CalculatedChecksum As Long 'Used for checksum test

'Velocity Structure Variables
Const VelocityLength =  Ceiling( (120 + 9 * VelocityCells )/2 ) * 2
Dim VelocityStructure As String * (VelocityLength + 4)
Public NBytesvelocity As Long
Public ValidVelocity As Boolean, NewVelocity As Boolean

Public AWACbatt
Public AWACerr As Long
Public Heading, Pitch, Roll
Public Pressure
Public AWACstatus As Long
Public AWACtemperature
Public SoundSpeed

Units AWACbatt = V
Units Heading = Degrees
Units Pressure = dBar
Units AWACtemperature = C

Public VelB1(VelocityCells) As Long,  VelB2(VelocityCells) As Long,  VelB3(VelocityCells) As Long
Public AmpB1(VelocityCells), AmpB2(VelocityCells), AmpB3(VelocityCells)

'Wave Data Header Structure Variables
Dim WaveHeaderStructure As String * 64
Public NewWaveHeader As Boolean, ValidWaveHeader As Boolean
Public NBytesWaveHeader As Long
Public NRecordsWave As Long
Public Blanking As Long
Public MinPress As Long, hMaxPress As Long
Public CellSize As Long
Public Noise(4) As Long
Public ProcMagn(4) As Long

'Stage Data Structure Variables
Const StageLength =  Ceiling( (32 + VelocityCells )/2 ) * 2
Dim StageStructure As String * (StageLength + 4)
Public NBytesStage As Long
Public NewStageStructure As Boolean, ValidStageStructure As Boolean
Public Amplitude(3) As Long
Public AST(2) As Long
Public ASTQuality As Long
Public Velocity(3) As Long
Public StageAmp(VelocityCells) As Long

'Wave Data Variables
Public NewWaveBurst As Boolean  'True when wave samples come in until processing done
Public WaveBurstDone As Boolean 'Indicates the final wave sample has been read from the buffer
Public WaveSampleCount As Long 'Number of Wave Data Structures processed
Public WaveCount As Long 'Number of waves within wave samples

Dim WaveDataStructure As String * 28
Public NewWaveDataStructure As Boolean
Dim tempWaveData As Long
Public ValidWaveData As Boolean
Dim NBytesWaveData As Long
Dim PreviousDistance As Long 'Temp value used in handling zero reading waves
Dim Distance1 As Long   'units is mm
Dim Distance2 As Long
Dim Distance(MaxWaveSamples) As Long 'Corrected for zeros distance to surface, units in mm
Public DepthAvg As Float 'Average of distances, units in m
Public MaxWaveHeight As Float
Public SigWaveHeight As Float
Public AvgWaveHeight As Float

Dim WaveHeight(MaxWaves) As Long 'units is mm
Public SortedHeight(MaxWaves) As Long

Dim DestChange(2), DestPeak As Long, IsPeak As Boolean, PrevPeak As Long
Dim Trough As Long, Peak As Long, ThirdCount As Long

Dim tempLong(6) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim si As Long, ti As Long

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,1000)
  DataInterval (0,60,Sec,10)
  Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False)
  Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)

DataTable (WaveStats,True,8000)
  Sample (1,MaxWaveHeight,FP2)
  Sample (1,SigWaveHeight,FP2)
  Sample (1,AvgWaveHeight,FP2)
  Sample (1,DepthAvg,FP2)
  Sample (1,WaveCount,FP2)

Function SignedInt16(tempDec As Long) 'Converts two byte long to 16bit signed
  If tempDec>32767 Then

Sub ValidateVelocity
  Dim li As Long
  Dim tempInt As Long

  MoveBytes (VelocityStructure,2,VelocityStructure,0,VelocityLength)
  MoveBytes (VelocityStructure,0,&ha520,2,2) 'replace first two bytes removed by SerialInRecord

  tempInt = 0
  For li = 1 To (VelocityLength - 2)
    tempInt = tempInt + ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,li))
  tempInt = &hb721 XOR tempInt 'TODO fix checksum calculation

  CalculatedChecksum = tempInt AND 65535
  StructureChecksum = ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,VelocityLength-1)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,VelocityLength))

  'TODO reenable checksum validation
  '  If CalculatedChecksum = StructureChecksum Then 'Validates with checksum
  ValidVelocity = true
  NewVelocity = true
  '  Else
  '    ValidVelocity= false
  'newvelocity = false
  '  EndIf 'Validates with checksum


Sub ValidateWaveHeader

  MoveBytes (WaveHeaderStructure,2,WaveHeaderStructure,0,60)
  MoveBytes (WaveHeaderStructure,0,&ha531,2,2) 'replace first two bytes removed by SerialInRecord

  ValidWaveHeader = true


Sub ValidateStage
  MoveBytes (StageStructure,2,StageStructure,0,StageLength)
  MoveBytes (StageStructure,0,&ha542,2,2) 'replace first two bytes removed by SerialInRecord

  ValidStageStructure = true

Sub ValidateWaveData
  MoveBytes (WaveDataStructure,2,WaveDataStructure,0,24)
  MoveBytes (WaveDataStructure,0,&ha530,2,2) 'replace first two bytes removed by SerialInRecord

  ValidWaveData = true

'Main Program
  DestChange(2) = 1

  SerialOpen (NortekPort,9600,3,0,40000)

  Scan (10,Sec,0,0)
    PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
    Battery (batt_volt)
    'Other measurements here

    CallTable Test


    Delay (1,50,mSec)
    'Data Processing

    'Reads Velocity Structure from buffer
    SerialInRecord (NortekPort,VelocityStructure,&ha520,VelocityLength-2,0,NBytesvelocity,110)
    If NBytesvelocity Then NewVelocity = true

    SerialInRecord (NortekPort,WaveHeaderStructure,&ha531,58,0,NBytesWaveHeader,110)
    If NBytesWaveHeader    Then NewWaveHeader = true

    SerialInRecord (NortekPort,StageStructure,&ha542,StageLength-2,0,NBytesStage,110)
    If NBytesStage Then NewStageStructure = true

    'Process Velocity Data
    If NewVelocity Then

    If ValidVelocity  AND NewVelocity Then 'Velocity Structure
      NewVelocity = false
      AWACerr = ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,11)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,12))
      AWACbatt = (ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,15)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,16))) * 0.1
      SoundSpeed  = (ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,17)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,18))) * 0.1
      tempLong(1) = (ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,19)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,20)))
      Heading = SignedInt16(tempLong(1)) * 0.1
      tempLong(1) = (ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,21)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,22)))
      Pitch = SignedInt16(tempLong(1)) * 0.1
      tempLong(1) = (ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,23)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,24)))
      Roll = SignedInt16(tempLong(1)) * 0.1
      Pressure  = (ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,27)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,28)) + 65536 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,25)) ) * 0.001
      AWACstatus = ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,26))
      tempLong(1)  = (ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,29)) + 256 * ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,30)))
      AWACtemperature = SignedInt16(tempLong(1)) * 0.01

      tempLong(1) = 0 'initialize
      tempLong(2) = 119 + 2 * VelocityCells 'B2 velocities start
      tempLong(3) = 119 + 4 * VelocityCells 'B3 velocities start
      tempLong(4) = 119 + 6 * VelocityCells 'B1 amp start
      tempLong(5) = 119 + 7 * VelocityCells 'B2 amp start
      tempLong(6) = 119 + 8 * VelocityCells 'B3 amp start
      For si  = 0 To (VelocityCells -1) 'Process cells
        MoveBytes (tempLong(1),3,VelocityStructure,118 + si * 2 ,1)
        MoveBytes (tempLong(1),2,VelocityStructure,119 + si * 2 ,1)
        VelB1(si+1) = SignedInt16(tempLong(1))

        MoveBytes (tempLong(1),3,VelocityStructure,tempLong(2) - 1 + si * 2 ,1)
        MoveBytes (tempLong(1),2,VelocityStructure,tempLong(2)  + si * 2 ,1)
        VelB2(si+1) = SignedInt16(tempLong(1))

        MoveBytes (tempLong(1),3,VelocityStructure,tempLong(3) - 1 + si * 2 ,1)
        MoveBytes (tempLong(1),2,VelocityStructure,tempLong(3)  + si * 2 ,1)
        VelB3(si+1) = SignedInt16(tempLong(1))

        AmpB1(si+1) = ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,tempLong(4) + si  ))
        AmpB2(si+1) = ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,tempLong(5) + si  ))
        AmpB3(si+1) = ASCII(VelocityStructure(1,1,tempLong(6) + si  ))
      Next  'Process cells
    EndIf 'ValidVelocity

    If NewWaveHeader Then
    EndIf 'NewWaveHeader

    If NewWaveHeader AND ValidWaveHeader Then
      NRecordsWave = ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,11)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,12))
      Blanking = ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,13)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,14))
      MinPress = ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,25)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,26))
      hMaxPress = ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,27)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,28))
      CellSize = ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,31)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,32))
      For si =  0 To 3
        Noise(si+1) =   ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,33+si))

        ProcMagn(si + 1) = ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,37 + si*2)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveHeaderStructure(1,1,38 + si*2))
      Next si

      NewWaveHeader = false

      NewWaveBurst = true
      WaveBurstDone = false
      WaveSampleCount = 0
      WaveCount = 0
    EndIf  'Process Wave Header

    If NewStageStructure Then

    'Process Stage Structure
    If NewStageStructure AND ValidStageStructure Then

      For si =  0 To 2
        Amplitude(si+1) = ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,7 + si))
        tempLong(1) = ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,23 + si*2)) + 256 * ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,24 + si*2))
        Velocity(si + 1) = SignedInt16(tempLong(1))
      Next si
      AST(1) = ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,13)) + 256 * ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,14))
      AST(2) = ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,19)) + 256 * ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,20))

      For si = 0 To VelocityCells - 1
        'amplitude cells
        StageAmp(si + 1) = ASCII(StageStructure(1,1,33+si))
      Next si

      NewStageStructure = false
    EndIf  'Process Stage Structure

  Loop  'End Slowsequence 1 loop

  'Wave Statistics Processing Slow Scan
    Delay (1,50,mSec) 'This delay allows the logger to time slice better and sleep
    'Shorter delay allows faster processing, but will increase power consumption

    If NewWaveBurst Then
      '     SerialInRecord (NortekPort,WaveDataStructure,&ha530,22,0,NBytesWaveData,111)
      tempWaveData = 0
      If SerialInChk(NortekPort) > 23 Then
        SerialInBlock (NortekPort,tempWaveData,1)
        If tempWaveData = &ha5000000 Then 'Correct first byte
          SerialInBlock (NortekPort,tempWaveData,1)
          If tempWaveData = &h30000000 Then 'Correct second byte
            SerialInBlock (NortekPort,WaveDataStructure,22)
            NewWaveDataStructure = true
          EndIf 'Correct second byte
        EndIf 'Correct first byte
      EndIf 'Enough bytes in buffer

    'Process Wave Data Structure
    If NewWaveDataStructure Then
      If WaveSampleCount < MaxWaveSamples Then
        WaveSampleCount = WaveSampleCount + 1
        '     ValidateWaveData()
        '    If ValidWaveData Then
        Distance1 = ASCII(WaveDataStructure(1,1,5)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveDataStructure(1,1,6))
        Distance2 = ASCII(WaveDataStructure(1,1,15)) + 256 * ASCII(WaveDataStructure(1,1,16))
        If Distance1 = 0 Then
          If Distance2 <> 0 Then 'Use distance2 if distance1 = 0
            Distance(WaveSampleCount) = Distance2
            PreviousDistance = Distance(WaveSampleCount)
            Distance(WaveSampleCount) = PreviousDistance 'Use previous distance if both distance1 and distance2 are 0
          Distance(WaveSampleCount) = Distance1
          PreviousDistance = Distance(WaveSampleCount)
        If WaveSampleCount = 1 Then PrevPeak = Distance 'starting value
        If Distance(WaveSampleCount) <> 0 Then  'Valid distance reading
          'PeakValley replacement code
          If DestChange(2) = 1 Then 'Going up
            If Distance(WaveSampleCount) > DestChange(1) Then
              DestChange(1) = Distance(WaveSampleCount)
              DestPeak = DestChange(1)
              DestChange(1) = Distance(WaveSampleCount)
              DestChange(2) = 0
          Else  'Going down
            If Distance(WaveSampleCount) < DestChange(1) Then
              DestChange(1) = Distance(WaveSampleCount)
              DestPeak = DestChange(1)
              DestChange(1) = Distance(WaveSampleCount)
              DestChange(2) = 1

          If PrevPeak < DestPeak Then
            IsPeak = true
            If Trough <> 0 Then 'Will not trigger if a trough hasn't yet been recorded
              WaveCount = WaveCount + 1
              Peak = DestPeak
              WaveHeight(WaveCount) = Peak - Trough
            PrevPeak = DestPeak
          ElseIf PrevPeak > DestPeak
            IsPeak = false
            Trough = DestPeak
            PrevPeak = DestPeak
          EndIf 'Peak or Trough
        EndIf 'Valid distance reading

        '   EndIf 'Valid wave data
      EndIf 'within sample count
      NewWaveDataStructure = false
      If WaveSampleCount = MaxWaveSamples Then WaveBurstDone = true
    EndIf 'Process Wave Data Structure

    If NewWaveBurst AND WaveBurstDone Then 'Start wave statistics processing
      NewWaveBurst = false
      'Gets data back in synch if off

      'Calculate average depth in meters
      ' AvgSpa (DepthAvg,MaxWaveSamples,Distance())
      tempWaveData = 0
      For ti = 1 To MaxWaveSamples
        tempWaveData = tempWaveData + Distance(ti)
      Next ti
      DepthAvg = (tempWaveData/MaxWaveSamples)/1000 'Convert to m

      'Maximum wave height calculation
      tempWaveData = 0
      For ti = 1 To WaveCount
        If WaveHeight(ti) > tempWaveData Then tempWaveData = WaveHeight(ti)
      Next ti
      MaxWaveHeight = tempWaveData/1000 'Divide by 1000 to get meters

      'Average wave height calculation
      tempWaveData = 0
      For ti = 1 To WaveCount
        tempWaveData = tempWaveData + WaveHeight(ti)
      Next ti
      AvgWaveHeight =  (tempWaveData/WaveCount)/1000 'Divide by 1000 to get meters

      'Significant Wave Height Calculation, most intense calculation
      ThirdCount = INT(WaveCount/3)
      SortSpa (SortedHeight(),MaxWaves,WaveHeight())
      tempWaveData = 0
      For ti =  (MaxWaves - ThirdCount + 1) To MaxWaves
        tempWaveData = tempWaveData + SortedHeight(ti)
      Next ti
      SigWaveHeight =  (tempWaveData / ThirdCount)/1000  'Divide by 1000 to get meters

      Move (WaveHeight(),MaxWaves,0,1) 'Erase waves

      Trough = 0
      DestChange(1) = 0 'Reset variables used for trough/peak recognition
      DestChange(2) = 1
      CallTable (WaveStats)
    EndIf  'End Wave Statistics Processing

  Loop 'End of Wave processing slow scan



rwc Jun 28, 2017 05:41 PM

Thanks,  I saw your earlier post on the AWAK.  I have it working now,  it looks like the issue was the RS232-USB adapter I was using to snoop on the comms was interfering with the Tx side of the CR1000.

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