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Cant send email in CR3000 with EmailRelay()

kokihualpa Jun 22, 2017 03:49 PM

I have been trying to send email with instruction emailrelay() in a cr3000 from a customer. But it cant send any email. 

in result it shows:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

but the response of emailrelay is -1.

i dont know why cant send any.

the datalogger has all about threes levels of security activated: one:1111, two:2222 and three: 3333. THAT COULD BE THE PROBLEM?

the config ethernet is






that dns i got with ipconfig/all in its server.

and the

socket=tcppen("www.google.com",80,50) =102

 emailsuccess1=EmailRelay ("jorgel_hamable@hotmail.com","Subject","Message",result) 

I update the last version OS: CR3000.Std.31.03.

GaryTRoberts Jun 23, 2017 04:24 PM

It looks like something on your network is spoofing the EmailRelay server's reponse.  The result should show some JSON formatted text if it is connecting to our EmailRelay server.

The result variable should look something like:


Does the CR3000 have a PPP modem on it or just a Ethernet connection?

kokihualpa Jun 24, 2017 01:18 AM

only ethernet not modem

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