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Communications Link with Station Fails with about 10% of the new OS transferred

Richard T. Reynolds Feb 26, 2023 09:10 PM

When using the File Control method to transfer a new OS to my CR6 datalogger, and following Collin Daly's instructions in Part 2 for installing a new OS, I continually receive this message when the new O/S is about 10% transferred:  "Error: Attempt to send the file to the station has failed.  The communications link with the station failed."  Collin says to ignore this message.  I have ignored the message and let File Control run for up to 2 hours, but the new OS is never received and compiled.  All the while, even though the error message says the communication link failed, the icon at the lower left of the Connect Screen shows the two serial plugs connected and the connection timer keeps counting the elapsed time since the transfer process started.  Is there some way to resume the transfer process each time the Error message is received so that data transferred so far is kept in memory? Thanks

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