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TEROS 31 lab tensiometer

T_man Feb 21, 2023 05:04 PM

Anyone have any experience with using a Meter Group Teros 31 lab tensiometer on a CR1000? From the Meter's "integrator guide", the basice SDI commands are aM! should return a+<Press>+Temp+<status>. 

I changed the SDI-12 addresses to numbers 1-4. Using “SDI12Recorder(SDI12_1(),1,"1","M!",1,0,-1), I get 3 values: 84.43, 27.3 and 1. The <Press> winds up being atmospheric pressure in kPa, not the matric potential. In terminal mode, I can see the pitch/roll, too, but not the matric potential - which is around -2 kPa while sitting upright in a beaker of water. 

I'm hoping somebody has some experience with these - oddly, Meter does not.  

catherinestrosin Apr 5, 2024 02:43 AM

When coupled with a CR1000 data logger, your Meter Group Teros 31 laboratory tensiometer does not appear to be providing accurate matric potential measurements. While you are receiving three values, the value is providing you with air pressure in kPa rather than the matric potential, as you have indicated.

From what you've described, it seems that the Teros 31 sensor is talking to the CR1000 using SDI-12, but the data it's sending back isn't accurate. Temperature, matric potential (soil water potential), and volumetric water content (VWC) should all be measurable by the Teros 31 sensor. gorilla tag

kanelime Apr 23, 2024 08:23 AM

This post is under review.

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