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Basestation not sending all data

Ephuntz May 3, 2022 01:11 AM


I'm new to loggernet and am having an issue that I am trying to understand. We worked with a consultant to put together a program for loggernet and I am having an issue at the moment with the base station sending data. Currently I have several remote stations that scan sensors multiple times a day with the base station pulling that data into a cr300 series datalogger concurrently. When I attempt to retrieve the data from the basestation loggernet acknowledges that there are hundreds of records but is only writting 1 record (i.e. I am only getting the most recent data point from each station). I went through the program and there is nothing jumping out at me (though I am certainly no expert in this area). Does anyone have any suggestions? is there a setting somewhere I missed?

P.S. I also made sure to select "all data on record" for each time I've tried to retreive the data.


jtrauntvein May 4, 2022 02:31 PM

I would check the table size allocation in your datalogger program.  It sounds like the size of your table is one record.  This size is controlled by the third parameter of the DataTable() instruction in the datalogger program.  If set to -1, the datalogger will automatically allocate space for the table within the available storage pool in the datalogger.  Otherwise, this value controls the maximum number of records that the table can store.

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