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problem with CR6.

irgason888 Jul 7, 2020 10:42 AM


      I have got one CR6 with four windmasters.And I want to recive the wind data from these four windmasters with 20HZ. But the Ptemp value is about 80 to 90 degrees Celsiue when the CRBasic program runs. What`s wrong with the CR6?


'CR6 Series Datalogger

'For programming tips, copy this address to your browser
'search window:https://www.campbellsci.com/videos/datalogger-programming
'To create a different opening program template, type in new
'instructions and select Template | Save as Default Template
'Program author:
'Declare Constants
'CONST PI = 3.141592654 or Const PI = 4*ATN(1)

'Declare Public Variables

Const SENSOR_WINDMASTER  = -1 'windmaster CONST the sensor TRUE(-1) or FALSE(0)
Const SENSOR_CNR_4       = 0  'CNR 4 CONST the sensor  TRUE(-1) or FALSE(0)

  Const WINDMASTER_NUMBER = 4    'CONST the number of windmaster

#If (SENSOR_CNR_4 = TRUE) Then
  Const CNR4_NUMBER = 1    'CONST the number of windmaster

Public PTemp, Batt_volt
Public TimeOffset As Long
Const MAIN_SCAN = 50  'main scan

  Const SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE = 56*(Ceiling (20*50/1000))+56+1
  Const ANGLE_FROM_NORTH = 0	'Unique value.
  Public wind1(WINDMASTER_NUMBER,6)			'Wind, temperature, and diagnostic data from windmaster.
  '#1 windmaster
  'U1    windmaster RX( yellow)
  'U2    windmaster TX(green)
  'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
  '12V    windmaster power( red)
  'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(1,1) = wind_1_U
  Alias wind1(1,2) = wind_1_V
  Alias wind1(1,3) = wind_1_W
  Alias wind1(1,4) = wind_1_WD
  Alias wind1(1,5) = wind_1_T
  Alias wind1(1,6) = diag_1
   '#2 windmaster
   'U3    windmaster RX( yellow)
   'U4    windmaster TX(green)
   'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
   '+12V    windmaster power( red)
   'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(2,1) = wind_2_U
  Alias wind1(2,2) = wind_2_V
  Alias wind1(2,3) = wind_2_W
  Alias wind1(2,4) = wind_2_WD
  Alias wind1(2,5) = wind_2_T
  Alias wind1(2,6) = diag_2
  '#3 windmaster
  'U5    windmaster RX( yellow)
  'U6    windmaster TX(green)
  'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
  '12V    windmaster power( red)
  'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(3,1) = wind_3_U
  Alias wind1(3,2) = wind_3_V
  Alias wind1(3,3) = wind_3_W
  Alias wind1(3,4) = wind_3_WD
  Alias wind1(3,5) = wind_3_T
  Alias wind1(3,6) = diag_3

  '#4 windmaster  
  'U7    windmaster RX( yellow)
  'U8    windmaster TX(green)
  'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
  '12V    windmaster power( red)
  'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(4,1) = wind_4_U
  Alias wind1(4,2) = wind_4_V
  Alias wind1(4,3) = wind_4_W
  Alias wind1(4,4) = wind_4_WD
  Alias wind1(4,5) = wind_4_T
  Alias wind1(4,6) = diag_4

  '#5 windmaster  
  'U9    windmaster RX( yellow)
  'U10    windmaster TX(green)
  'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
  '12V    windmaster power( red)
  'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(5,1) = wind_5_U
  Alias wind1(5,2) = wind_5_V
  Alias wind1(5,3) = wind_5_W
  Alias wind1(5,4) = wind_5_WD
  Alias wind1(5,5) = wind_5_T
  Alias wind1(5,6) = diag_5

  '#6 windmaster  
  'U11    windmaster RX( yellow)
  'U12    windmaster TX(green)
  'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
  '12V    windmaster power( red)
  'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(6,1) = wind_6_U
  Alias wind1(6,2) = wind_6_V
  Alias wind1(6,3) = wind_6_W
  Alias wind1(6,4) = wind_6_WD
  Alias wind1(6,5) = wind_6_T
  Alias wind1(6,6) = diag_6

  '#7 windmaster 
  'C1    windmaster RX( yellow)
  'C2    windmaster TX(green)
  'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
  '12V    windmaster power( red)
  'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(7,1) = wind_7_U
  Alias wind1(7,2) = wind_7_V
  Alias wind1(7,3) = wind_7_W
  Alias wind1(7,4) = wind_7_WD
  Alias wind1(7,5) = wind_7_T
  Alias wind1(7,6) = diag_7

  '#8 windmaster  
  'C3    windmaster RX( yellow)
  'C4    windmaster TX(green)
  'G    windmaster signal Ground( brown)
  '12V    windmaster power( red)
  'G    windmaster power Ground( black)
  Alias wind1(8,1) = wind_8_U
  Alias wind1(8,2) = wind_8_V
  Alias wind1(8,3) = wind_8_W
  Alias wind1(8,4) = wind_8_WD
  Alias wind1(8,5) = wind_8_T
  Alias wind1(8,6) = diag_8

  Public input_str(WINDMASTER_NUMBER) As String * 53
  Public number_return(WINDMASTER_NUMBER) 
  Dim temp_z

#If ( SENSOR_CNR_4 = TRUE ) Then
  '*** Beginning of CNR 4 constants and variables ***
  'YSI 44031 Steinhart-Hart coefficients fit through -40 degrees C (239800 ohms), 20 degrees C (12260 ohms), and 80 degrees C (1458 ohms).
  Const A_SHH = 1.026613e-3              'Steinhart-Hart A coefficient.
  Const B_SHH = 2.395424e-4              'Steinhart-Hart B coefficient.
  Const C_SHH = 1.552561e-7              'Steinhart-Hart C coefficient.
  Const SN_CDM_VOLT  As Long     = 4036     'Unique: CDM-A116/VOLT serial number 
  Const CPI_CDM_VOLT As Long     = 1        'Unique: CPI address for CDM-A116/VOLT-116 (2 as default) 
  Const CPI_DEVICE   As String   = "VOLT116"'Unique: CDM Module name or identifier
  '*** Beginning of #1 CNR 4(171279) constants and variables ***
  Const CNR4_SN_1 = "SN_171279"
  Const T_NR_ANALOG_INPUT_1 = 25         'Unique single-ended analog input channel.
  Const T_NR_VOLTAGE_EXCITATION_1 = X4 'Unique voltage excitation channel.
  Const NR_ANALOG_INPUT_1 = 1           'Unique differential analog input channel.
  Const NR_SW_DOWNWELL_CAL_1 = 1000/13.06  'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 shortwave downwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
  Const NR_SW_UPWELL_CAL_1 = 1000/12.64   'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 shortware upwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
  Const NR_LW_DOWNWELL_CAL_1 = 1000/12.86   'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 longwave downwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
  Const NR_LW_UPWELL_CAL_1 = 1000/12.44     'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 longwave upwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
  '*** Beginning of CNR 4 wiring(wiring on the VOLT116) ***
  '13H      Thermistor signal (white)
  'gnd     Thermistor signal reference (black)
  '        Shield (clear)
  '1H      Downwelling shortwave radiation signal (red)
  '1L      Downwelling shortwave radiation signal reference (blue)
  'gnd     Shield (clear)
  '        short jumper wire to 2L
  '2H      Upwelling shortwave radiation signal (white)
  '2L      Upwelling shortwave radiation signal reference (black)
  'gnd     short jumper wire to 3L
  '3H      Downwelling longwave radiation signal (gray)
  '3L      Downwelling longwave radiation signal reference (yellow)
  'gnd     short jumper wire to 4L
  '4H      Upwelling longwave radiation signal (brown)
  '4L      Upwelling longwave radiation signal reference (green)
  'gnd     short jumper wire to 5L
  '*** End of CNR 4 wiring ***
  Public nr_1(9)                           '#2 CNR 4 net radiometer.
  Dim X_cnr4_1
  Dim ln_R_1
  Alias nr_1(1) = Rn_1
  Alias nr_1(2) = albedo_1
  Alias nr_1(3) = Rs_downwell_1
  Alias nr_1(4) = Rs_upwell_1
  Alias nr_1(5) = Rl_downwell_1
  Alias nr_1(6) = Rl_upwell_1
  Alias nr_1(7) = T_nr_1
  Alias nr_1(8) = Rl_downwell_meas_1
  Alias nr_1(9) = Rl_upwell_meas_1
  Units nr_1 = W/m^2
  Units albedo_1 = arb
  Units T_nr_1 = K
  '*** End of  #2 CNR 4 constants and variables ***
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >1 ) Then
    '*** Beginning of #2 CNR 4 (sn:171581)constants and variables ***
    Const CNR4_SN_2 = "SN_171581"
    Const T_NR_ANALOG_INPUT_2 = 26         'Unique single-ended analog input channel.
    Const T_NR_VOLTAGE_EXCITATION_2 = X4 'Unique voltage excitation channel.
    Const NR_ANALOG_INPUT_2 = 5           'Unique differential analog input channel.
    Const NR_SW_DOWNWELL_CAL_2 = 1000/12.69  'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 shortwave downwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    Const NR_SW_UPWELL_CAL_2 = 1000/12.93   'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 shortware upwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    Const NR_LW_DOWNWELL_CAL_2 = 1000/12.32   'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 longwave downwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    Const NR_LW_UPWELL_CAL_2= 1000/11.00     'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 longwave upwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    '*** Beginning of CNR 4 wiring ***
    '13L      Thermistor signal (white)
    'gnd     Thermistor signal reference (black)
    '        Shield (clear)
    '5H      Downwelling shortwave radiation signal (red)
    '5L      Downwelling shortwave radiation signal reference (blue)
    'gnd     Shield (clear)
    '        short jumper wire to 5L
    '6H      Upwelling shortwave radiation signal (white)
    '6L      Upwelling shortwave radiation signal reference (black)
    'gnd     short jumper wire to 6L
    '7H      Downwelling longwave radiation signal (gray)
    '7L      Downwelling longwave radiation signal reference (yellow)
    'gnd     short jumper wire to 7L
    '8H      Upwelling longwave radiation signal (brown)
    '8L      Upwelling longwave radiation signal reference (green)
    'gnd     short jumper wire to 8L
    '*** End of CNR 4 wiring ***
    Public nr_2(9)                           'CNR 4 net radiometer.
    Dim X_cnr4_2
    Dim ln_R_2
    Alias nr_2(1) = Rn_2
    Alias nr_2(2) = albedo_2
    Alias nr_2(3) = Rs_downwell_2
    Alias nr_2(4) = Rs_upwell_2
    Alias nr_2(5) = Rl_downwell_2
    Alias nr_2(6) = Rl_upwell_2
    Alias nr_2(7) = T_nr_2
    Alias nr_2(8) = Rl_downwell_meas_2
    Alias nr_2(9) = Rl_upwell_meas_2
    Units nr_2 = W/m^2
    Units albedo_2 = arb
    Units T_nr_2 = K
    '*** End of  #2 CNR 4 constants and variables ***
  #EndIf'(#2 cnr4)
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >2 ) Then
    '*** Beginning of #3 CNR 4 (sn:171279)constants and variables ***
    Const CNR4_SN_3 = "SN_171279"
    Const T_NR_ANALOG_INPUT_3 = 27         'Unique single-ended analog input channel.
    Const T_NR_VOLTAGE_EXCITATION_3 = X4 'Unique voltage excitation channel.
    Const NR_ANALOG_INPUT_3 = 9           'Unique differential analog input channel.
    Const NR_SW_DOWNWELL_CAL_3 = 1000/13.06  'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 shortwave downwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    Const NR_SW_UPWELL_CAL_3 = 1000/12.64    'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 shortware upwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    Const NR_LW_DOWNWELL_CAL_3 = 1000/12.86   'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 longwave downwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    Const NR_LW_UPWELL_CAL_3 = 1000/12.44     'Unique multiplier for CNR 4 longwave upwelling radiation (1000/sensitivity).
    '*** Beginning of CNR 4 wiring ***
    '14H      Thermistor signal (white)
    'gnd     Thermistor signal reference (black)
    '        Shield (clear)
    '9H      Downwelling shortwave radiation signal (red)
    '9L      Downwelling shortwave radiation signal reference (blue)
    'gnd     Shield (clear)
    '        short jumper wire to 9L
    '10H      Upwelling shortwave radiation signal (white)
    '10L      Upwelling shortwave radiation signal reference (black)
    'gnd     short jumper wire to 10L
    '11H      Downwelling longwave radiation signal (gray)
    '11L      Downwelling longwave radiation signal reference (yellow)
    'gnd     short jumper wire to 11L
    '12H      Upwelling longwave radiation signal (brown)
    '12L      Upwelling longwave radiation signal reference (green)
    'gnd     short jumper wire to 12L
    '*** End of CNR 4 wiring ***
    Public nr_3(9)                           'CNR 4 net radiometer.
    Dim X_cnr4_3
    Dim ln_R_3
    Alias nr_3(1) = Rn_3
    Alias nr_3(2) = albedo_3
    Alias nr_3(3) = Rs_downwell_3
    Alias nr_3(4) = Rs_upwell_3
    Alias nr_3(5) = Rl_downwell_3
    Alias nr_3(6) = Rl_upwell_3
    Alias nr_3(7) = T_nr_3
    Alias nr_3(8) = Rl_downwell_meas_3
    Alias nr_3(9) = Rl_upwell_meas_3
    Units nr_3 = W/m^2
    Units albedo_3 = arb
    Units T_nr_3 = K
    '*** End of  #3 CNR 4 constants and variables ***
  #EndIf'(#3 cnr4)

  DataTable (ts_data,1,-1)
    DataInterval (0,MAIN_SCAN,mSec,10)
    TableFile ("CRD:"&Status.SerialNumber(1,1)&"_ts_data_",64,-1,0,1,day,0,0)
    Sample (6*WINDMASTER_NUMBER,wind1(1,1),IEEE4)

  DataTable (wind_min_30,1,-1)
    DataInterval (0,30,Min,10)
    TableFile ("CRD:"&Status.SerialNumber(1,1)&"_wind_min_30_",64,-1,0,1,day,0,0)
    'average (6*WINDMASTER_NUMBER,wind1(1,1),IEEE4,False)
    Minimum (1,Batt_volt,FP2,False,False)
  	Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)
    Average (5,wind1(1,1),FP2,wind1(1,6))
    Average (5,wind1(2,1),FP2,wind1(2,6))
    Average (5,wind1(3,1),FP2,wind1(3,6))
    Average (5,wind1(4,1),FP2,wind1(4,6))
    Average (5,wind1(5,1),FP2,wind1(5,6))
    Average (5,wind1(6,1),FP2,wind1(6,6))
    Average (5,wind1(7,1),FP2,wind1(7,6))
    Average (5,wind1(8,1),FP2,wind1(8,6))

#If ( SENSOR_CNR_4 = TRUE ) Then
  DataTable (CNR4_sec_1,1,-1)
    DataInterval (0,1,Sec,10)
    TableFile ("CRD:"&Status.SerialNumber(1,1)&"_CNR4_sec_1_",64,-1,0,1,day,0,0)  
      Sample (9,nr_1(),FP2)
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >1 ) Then
      Sample (9,nr_2(),FP2)
  #EndIf'(#2 cnr4)
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >2 ) Then
      Sample (9,nr_3(),FP2)
  #EndIf'(#3 cnr4)
  '    Average (9,nr_1(),FP2,False)
  '    Average (9,nr_2(),FP2,False)
  '    Average (9,nr_3(),FP2,False)

#If ( SENSOR_CNR_4 = TRUE ) Then
  DataTable (CNR4_min_10,1,-1)
    DataInterval (0,10,Min,10)
    TableFile ("CRD:"&Status.SerialNumber(1,1)&"_CNR4_min_10_",64,-1,0,1,day,0,0)  
          Average (9,nr_1(),FP2,False)
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >1 ) Then
          Average (9,nr_2(),FP2,False)
  #EndIf'(#2 cnr4)
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >2 ) Then
         Average (9,nr_3(),FP2,False)
  #EndIf'(#3 cnr4)

#If ( SENSOR_CNR_4 = TRUE ) Then
  DataTable (CNR4_hour_1,1,-1)
    DataInterval (0,60,Min,10)
    TableFile ("CRD:"&Status.SerialNumber(1,1)&"_CNR4_hour_1_",64,-1,0,1,day,0,0)  
          Average (9,nr_1(),FP2,False)
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >1 ) Then
          Average (9,nr_2(),FP2,False)
  #EndIf'(#2 cnr4)
  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >2 ) Then
         Average (9,nr_3(),FP2,False)
  #EndIf'(#3 cnr4)

'Main Program
    '#1 windmaster
  com_arr(1) =COMU1
  SerialOpen (COMU1,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)
    '#2 windmaster
  com_arr(2) =COMU3
  SerialOpen (COMU3,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)
    '#3 windmaster
  com_arr(3) =COMU5
  SerialOpen (COMU5,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)
    '#4 windmaster
  com_arr(4) =COMU7
  SerialOpen (COMU7,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)
    '#5 windmaster
  com_arr(5) =COMU9
  SerialOpen (COMU9,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)
    '#6 windmaster
  com_arr(6) =COMU11
  SerialOpen (COMU11,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)
    '#7 windmaster
  com_arr(7) =COMC1
  SerialOpen (ComC1,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)
    '#8 windmaster
  com_arr(8) =COMC3
  SerialOpen (ComC3,19200,0,0,SERIAL_BUFF_SIZE)

Scan (MAIN_SCAN,mSec,6000,0)
   Battery (Batt_volt)
    For temp_z=1 To WINDMASTER_NUMBER Step 1
     SerialInRecord (com_arr(temp_z),input_str(temp_z),&h02,0,&H0D0A,number_return(temp_z),01)
    ' SerialIn (input_str(temp_z),com_arr(temp_z),100,&H0D0A,43)
      SplitStr (wind1(temp_z,1),input_str(temp_z),",",6,0)
    Next temp_z
    CallTable ts_data
    CallTable wind_min_30

Scan (1,Sec,6000,0)
		  PanelTemp (PTemp,50)
		If IfTime (12,24,Hr) Then
      TimeOffset = NetworkTimeProtocol ("",8*3600,1000)
		'Enter other measurement instructions
#If ( SENSOR_CNR_4 = TRUE ) Then

    '*** Beginning of #1 CNR 4 measurements ***
    CDM_VoltDiff (CDM_VOLT_MODEL, CPI_CDM_VOLT,Rs_downwell_1,4,mV200,NR_ANALOG_INPUT_1,TRUE,500,50,1,0)
    Rs_downwell_1 = Rs_downwell_1*NR_SW_DOWNWELL_CAL_1
    Rs_upwell_1 = Rs_upwell_1*NR_SW_UPWELL_CAL_1
    Rl_downwell_1 = Rl_downwell_1*NR_LW_DOWNWELL_CAL_1
    Rl_upwell_1 = Rl_upwell_1*NR_LW_UPWELL_CAL_1

    ln_R_1 = LOG (10000*X_cnr4_1/(1-X_cnr4_1))
    T_nr_1 = (1/(A_SHH+B_SHH*ln_R_1+C_SHH*ln_R_1*ln_R_1*ln_R_1))

'     Resistance (T_nr_1,1,mV200,U1,U9,1,1675,True ,True ,3000,_50Hz,1.0,0)
'     T_nr_1=T_nr_1/100
'     PRT (T_nr_1,1,T_nr_1,1.0,273.15)
    'Compute net radiation, albedo, downwelling and upwelling longwave radiation.
    Rn_1 = Rs_downwell_1-Rs_upwell_1+Rl_downwell_1-Rl_upwell_1
    albedo_1 = Rs_upwell_1/Rs_downwell_1
    Rl_downwell_meas_1 = Rl_downwell_1
    Rl_upwell_meas_1 = Rl_upwell_1
    Rl_downwell_1 = Rl_downwell_1+(5.67e-8*T_nr_1*T_nr_1*T_nr_1*T_nr_1)
    Rl_upwell_1 = Rl_upwell_1+(5.67e-8*T_nr_1*T_nr_1*T_nr_1*T_nr_1)
    '*** End of CNR 4 measurements ***

  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >1 ) Then
     '*** Beginning of #2 CNR 4 measurements ***
    CDM_VoltDiff (CDM_VOLT_MODEL, CPI_CDM_VOLT,Rs_downwell_2,4,mV200,NR_ANALOG_INPUT_2,TRUE,500,50,1,0)
    Rs_downwell_2 = Rs_downwell_2*NR_SW_DOWNWELL_CAL_2
    Rs_upwell_2 = Rs_upwell_2*NR_SW_UPWELL_CAL_2
    Rl_downwell_2 = Rl_downwell_2*NR_LW_DOWNWELL_CAL_2
    Rl_upwell_2 = Rl_upwell_2*NR_LW_UPWELL_CAL_2

    ln_R_2 = LOG (10000*X_cnr4_2/(1-X_cnr4_2))
    T_nr_2 = (1/(A_SHH+B_SHH*ln_R_2+C_SHH*ln_R_2*ln_R_2*ln_R_2))
'    Resistance (T_nr_2,1,mV200,U3,U10,1,1675,True ,True ,3000,_50Hz,1.0,0)
'     T_nr_2=T_nr_2/100
'     PRT (T_nr_2,1,T_nr_2,1.0,273.15)

    'Compute net radiation, albedo, downwelling and upwelling longwave radiation.
    Rn_2 = Rs_downwell_2-Rs_upwell_2+Rl_downwell_2-Rl_upwell_2
    albedo_2 = Rs_upwell_2/Rs_downwell_2
    Rl_downwell_meas_2 = Rl_downwell_2
    Rl_upwell_meas_2 = Rl_upwell_2
    Rl_downwell_2 = Rl_downwell_2+(5.67e-8*T_nr_2*T_nr_2*T_nr_2*T_nr_2)
    Rl_upwell_2 = Rl_upwell_2+(5.67e-8*T_nr_2*T_nr_2*T_nr_2*T_nr_2)
    '*** End of CNR 4 measurements ***
  #EndIf'(#2 cnr4)

  #If (CNR4_NUMBER >2 ) Then
    '*** Beginning of #3 CNR 4 measurements ***
    CDM_VoltDiff (CDM_VOLT_MODEL, CPI_CDM_VOLT,Rs_downwell_3,4,mV200,NR_ANALOG_INPUT_3,TRUE,500,50,1,0)
    Rs_downwell_3 = Rs_downwell_3*NR_SW_DOWNWELL_CAL_3
    Rs_upwell_3 = Rs_upwell_3*NR_SW_UPWELL_CAL_3
    Rl_downwell_3 = Rl_downwell_3*NR_LW_DOWNWELL_CAL_3
    Rl_upwell_3 = Rl_upwell_3*NR_LW_UPWELL_CAL_3

    ln_R_3 = LOG (10000*X_cnr4_3/(1-X_cnr4_3))
    T_nr_3 = (1/(A_SHH+B_SHH*ln_R_3+C_SHH*ln_R_3*ln_R_3*ln_R_3))
'    Resistance (T_nr_3,1,mV200,U5,U11,1,1675,True ,True ,3000,_50Hz,1.0,0)
'     T_nr_3=T_nr_3/100
'     PRT (T_nr_3,1,T_nr_3,1.0,273.15)

    'Compute net radiation, albedo, downwelling and upwelling longwave radiation.
    Rn_3 = Rs_downwell_3-Rs_upwell_3+Rl_downwell_3-Rl_upwell_3
    albedo_3 = Rs_upwell_3/Rs_downwell_3
    Rl_downwell_meas_3 = Rl_downwell_3
    Rl_upwell_meas_3 = Rl_upwell_3
    Rl_downwell_3 = Rl_downwell_3+(5.67e-8*T_nr_3*T_nr_3*T_nr_3*T_nr_3)
    Rl_upwell_3 = Rl_upwell_3+(5.67e-8*T_nr_3*T_nr_3*T_nr_3*T_nr_3)
    '*** End of CNR 4 measurements ***
     #EndIf'(#3 cnr4)
     CallTable CNR4_sec_1
      CallTable CNR4_min_10
     CallTable CNR4_hour_1
		'Call Output Tables




irgason888 Jul 8, 2020 09:31 AM

Now the ambient temperature is about 35 degrees Celsiue.I found that the Ptemp was about 51 degrees Celsiue when I collect one 20HZ windmaster data;  the Ptemp was about 60 degrees Celsiue when I collect two  windmasters` data;

the Ptemp was about 80 degrees Celsiue when I collect four  windmasters` data;

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