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Delete record instruction

AlexMorenza May 20, 2019 11:52 AM

Hi people.

Is there any instruction in the CRBasic language to erase a single record in a datatable? It might be a silly question but I'm trying to find a cathegoric answer just like "Yes, this is it" or "No, try another way".

Thanks in advance

DAM May 20, 2019 07:10 PM

No, there is not a way to remove a record from the Data storage of the data table.

If the data were written to a file with the TableFile instruction, then it is conceivable to write CRBasic code to parse through that file and alter history but this would be a bit of coding work.

AlexMorenza May 22, 2019 11:11 AM

Ok, I'll try to do it that way.

Thanks for your help!

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