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RTMC Pro and CSI web publish fails at publish

Paul Heinrich Mar 10, 2018 03:22 AM

I'm trying to add a second website (to display timestamps to check on latest downloads from my stations) on a second port.  My main site is on port 8090 and is working fine.  I created a second project in RTMC Pro and saved it.  I then hit "publish to web" and in the web publisher I copied my working project, renamed it, set a new port (8080) and pointed the "remote  directory" to a new directory and pointed the project to the new project file. When I try to publish, I get "Publish Failed: Service Unavailable".  If I publish my working project, the publish works fine.  I'm using the same password file for both webpages and I created the "remote directory" in under the CSI webserver where my main project has it's remote directory.  Finally, I opened the new port in Windows Firewall.  What might I be missing?

jtrauntvein Mar 10, 2018 02:27 PM

The CSI web server (which is included as a part of RTMC pro) provides service on only the TCP port that you have configured in the admin utility (it is true that it will also listen on a different port if you have configured the HTTPS stack but, in this case, it will redirect any requests received on the HTTP service to the HTTPS service).  It can support multiple published RTMC projects by publishing these projects to different directories in the server working directory.  For instance, you can have one project published to the server root and others published to subdirectories below that root.  Alternatively, you can publish ALL of your projects to subdirectories and place an index.html file in the root directory that allows the user to choose the project that they want to see.

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