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Assessing whether the wind direction is 'variable'

HigherLench Feb 22, 2018 09:30 PM

I understand that In METAR weather reports, for light winds, the direction is assigned to be variable when the wind speed is <3kts and the direction varies by more that 60 degrees. Presumably this is over a 10min interval. For my wind vane (Young Wind Sentry) my CR300 datalogger is programmmed to give the mean direction over 10 minutes.

Could I ask how I could test that the wind direction has varied by more that 60 degrees over a 10 minute interval? Does anyone have any CRBasic codeing to do this?



JDavis Feb 28, 2018 05:49 PM

There is more than one way to go about it. One method that isn't too difficult to do would be make a separate table, and do a histogram of wind direction. Then use GetRecord to read the values back out and count the number on nonzero bins.

You can use the DisableVar parameter of Histogram to only include directions when the wind speed was within a given range.

HigherLench Mar 10, 2018 09:19 AM

Many thanks. I'll have a go at this.

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