How to connect to a datalogger through an RS232 port?
(For CR800, CR1000X and CR3000)
1. Connect Power to Datalogger
- Make sure the cable to “Power In” is plugged in.
- To test for power in a datalogger that does not have a display, use a multi meter to test.( If power is running through, you should be reading approx. 12 Volts).
2. Download Driver Software
- If you purchased the datalogger from Campbell Scientific, a CD was provided with the Driver software.
- If you do not have the CD, please visit to download the latest version of the driver.
- If you purchased the datalogger from another manufacturer, you need to download the driver from the manufacturer’s website.
3. Open Device Manager
- Go to windows-> Device Manager -> Ports.
- If device manager is blocked, you need to get approval from your IT Admin to allow access.
- If the below icon appears, then the driver was not installed or was installed incorrectly.

4. Test the Cable
- To make sure cable is working properly, plug in the USB end to your computer, without plugging it into the datalogger. If the “USB Serial Port” appears under the ports tab mentioned above, then the cable is working properly.
5. Connect to Datalogger
- Go to Windows start up menu-> Device Configuration -> Utility -> Dataloggers -> Select your Device
- Connection type -> Direct
- Communication port -> USB serial port -> ok -> Connect.

6. Unable to Connect
- Keep “Device Configurator” opened -> remove power cable from datalogger -> click Connect -> connect power cable to datalogger.
If you are still unable to connect to your datalogger, feel free to contact our experienced tech support team by e-mail at or by phone at (780)454-2505.
For more videos and how-to tutorials, please visit support page at
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